Discover professions in stories, validate professional skills with mini-games, create your CV in 5 minutes, win goodies and create your professional network, thats OnyXP!OnyXP is a free narrative game that allows you to surpass yourself in the discovery of professions and to build your professional network to access employment.First thought for young people (13 to 25 years old), anyone wondering about their professional life, will find in OnyXP something to inspire and take momentum towards a path that suits them.From the first connection, the player is an actor of his journey.The OnyXP control center is a totally interactive room made up of progressively clickable objects that unlock original and varied functionalities:- a game zone allows you to test lots of mini-games relating to professional skills.- a new map offers a complete exploration of more than 200 jobs (we are aiming for 600!).- each business episode is made up of a powerful media mix: motion design, photo report, 3 report format videos, an offbeat quiz, a creative test and 3 pro skills to be validated by mini-games (memory, spatial representation, logic, sense of communication, etc.).- a memo sheet is systematically published at the end of each job experience: a summary of the essentials of the job, the link to the corresponding training offer (in a regionalized way) and to the relevant job offers, etc.- the player has the right to "zap", he composes his course according to his desires, his tastes.- the player earns XP at each job encounter, its a gamified experience.- a "profiled" CV is automatically generated for each player.- companies access the CVs, anonymous version, of players.- when a CV interests a company, the player receives a notification informing him of this. It is up to him whether or not to lift the anonymity of his CV for this company.- if it "matches" between them, then a professional suite emerges: interview, internship, hiring, everything is possible.- a genius-coach provides good advice and practical tips.- player data is protected under the GDPR.- a shop allows its coins to be converted into goodies.- the possibility is offered to deactivate the narrative parts for players wishing to use only professional resources.- very regular updates deliver new episodes but also ever more captivating features.- players are invited to get in touch with the publisher (the Par Cours & Par Thémes studio).- a Discord server is available to the growing community of players.In short, OnyXP is the solution that offers an uninhibited and modern orientation in which players prove their potential and gain confidence in building their professional project.They initiate and nurture a virtuous and positive circle here for informed and assumed choices until they get their job while playing!Do you want to become a fulfilled adult, happy in your job and in your life? Look no further, OnyXP is where you will find your Ikigai!